How Our Investigations Work

First, I would like to explain that every investigation is unique, the following is only an outline of what we do and how we do it, each case varies. Also, a full Investigation is NOT always warranted depending on the situation, after our first meeting we will explain to you what we feel is necessary and it might be as simple as a full house cleansing to help remove anything we believe is there. Only if we feel there is something harmful or something we need more information about to help remove it will we require a full investigation.

The following describes the approach that is used by P.E.R.S. Investigators when responding to requests for paranormal investigations. The following method has been developed by P.E.R.S. based on proven science and some intuitive methods to establish a high degree of accuracy and authenticity. Our methods are always under constant review and are always improved upon as more is learned about the Paranormal Field.

We explain this information of our methods to help you understand our approach to paranormal investigation and to be aware of what P.E.R.S. does, how we do it, and what we will request of you before, during, and after the investigation. Please note this is not a full comprehensive list as each investigation is unique and additional steps, documentation, meetings etc. may be required on a case-by-case basis.

We understand your privacy and in all situations the information you provide to us and any information we find from our investigation, is kept strictly confidential and your identity and likeness will only be shared with others outside of the P.E.R.S. family upon your approval.

We will always be very respectful of your property. We pride ourselves in making sure we leave your home/business in the exact same way that we found it.

We are a non-profit volunteer organization. This simply means that all members of P.E.R.S. do all investigations at their own expense, without getting paid for their services. All our team members have full time jobs, families, and other commitments. This means that in every case we work, all our research and evidence review has to be done by working around personal schedules and finances. So, reviewing evidence can take a little bit of time since we are very professional and like to be 100% sure of all evidence presented to you. We also will never charge you for any investigations, donations are greatly appreciated but never expected or required and will not affect our service. We MAY ask for travel reimbursement ONLY if we are requested out of state and this would be agreed upon before we start.

Part 1: First Contact

The first contact will be from one of the P.E.R.S. team members, this will be after we receive an investigation request from you seeking our help.

We will reach out by email to set up a zoom video call with everyone involved and some of the P.E.R.S. team members. We will talk with you to learn everything we can about what you are experiencing and what is going on at your location.

After speaking with you we will determine how we can best help this case and determine if we need another meeting or setup up a date to come to your home or business to investigate further.

While we know that things in life can come up unexpectedly, please make every effort to keep the investigation appointment. In agreeing to perform a meeting/investigation, P.E.R.S. must schedule team members for that day, which can be difficult to reschedule. If something does come up and you must cancel or reschedule, please do so as soon as possible.

Part 2: Initial Meeting & Interview

If P.E.R.S. decides to accept your request for an investigation the first part is to perform an initial meeting and interview with you and any other people involved (such as other family members, whether or not they too have experienced the paranormal activity). We are now conducting this first meeting via Zoom. A small P.E.R.S. team consisting of 1-4 team members will be part of this initial interview.

If you have any documentation of paranormal activities (pictures, sound or video recordings, physical evidence etc) please have them available for us to review. We may ask to take the documentation with us to review to help determine what activity could be taking place and to help plan for a possible investigation. Please have copies available if possible.

We will also do a walk-through of your home/business when we first arrive, this is for us to see if we can sense anything in the home before we begin.

Part 3: Case Review

Once we have had our initial meeting with you, we will go over everything you have told us along with anything we may have noticed or felt and we will discuss this as a team to help decide what is the next step. Sometimes we may have you try some things we suggest to help or things that can change what is going on in your home before or in place of coming to your home for an investigation, which is not always necessary.

We will email you again and let you know what is the best way to approach and help your case.

Part 4: The Investigation

The information we have gathered from you will be reviewed again on site. We will talk with you again and then conduct a small investigation with some equipment. We may ask you to leave during our investigation or keep you there if we feel it is important to have you there.

At this point we will determine if there is an explanation for what is happening, if you require a house cleansing, or if a full overnight paranormal investigation is needed.

If we feel your issue can be solved right then with a house cleanse, we may ask to do this at the time we are there. We also teach you how to cleanse your own home or business as this is after all your situation and you need to learn how to take back control yourself.

If we feel we need to discuss it more, we will then contact you again ASAP to explain our findings and arrange a time for the cleansing or an extensive investigation that is convenient for both of us. P.E.R.S. always reserves the right to decline, cancel or abort an investigation at any time for any reason but please understand that we are here to help so we will never leave you, we will finish the job, or we will connect you with someone else that can help further.

Part 5: Extensive Investigation (Only used on some occasions)

If we feel the need for a more extensive investigation, we work out all the details with you, whether it is a simple investigation or a full-blown overnight investigation.

Most of the time our paranormal investigations will be performed at night and in a lights out condition. P.E.R.S. will bring our own equipment including cameras, video and audio recorders, electronic sensors, and lighting. When our investigation team arrives, we will briefly review the area, inquire if anything new has occurred or changes since our last discussion with you, then assemble our equipment. This may include running wires for video and audio throughout the location, setting up cameras and records at various spots, and placing sensors in the area.

The investigation itself will usually run several hours depending on the size of the location, the times and places activity has been reports (for example, if events seem to occur mainly from midnight to 3am that would be the primary period of interest for us to be investigating), and other factors. During the investigation we prefer that no one except the P.E.R.S. team remain at the location, the reason for this is people moving around can cause sound and other disturbances that can adversely affect our equipment or possibly cause false readings to be recorded. If you do not feel comfortable with this, then we ask that a minimum number of people be at the location and remain quiet in one single spot. . Also, we ask to remove any pets (e.g. dogs, cats etc), if you cannot then please confine them to a single place during the investigation. Pets can make for a lot of false information on our equipment.

Sometimes depending on the case and the situation we may request that you or everyone stays during the investigation if we feel that the activity will be increased with you there.

When we are finished with the investigation P.E.R.S. will dismantle our equipment and depart as quietly as possible.

Part 6: Evidence Review and Analysis

The members of P.E.R.S. will fully review and analyze the evidence we have gathered during the the entire case. This process can take anywhere from several days to several weeks or months depending on the quantity of evidence we have collected and our caseload & schedule.

We will of course make you a priority and depending on the severity of the case we will take as little time as possible so assure you are safe and in no danger.

During the review and analysis, we may contact you with additional questions or for clarification on a specific finding.

Part 7: Conclusion after extensive investigation

Once we have concluded our review and analysis P.E.R.S. will contact you to arrange a time to talk online where the results of the investigation can be presented. Any photographs, video, audio, sensor readings and personal experiences gathered during the investigation that may show paranormal activity will be presented to you. A written report with our findings and conclusions will also be provided to you, along with any additional recommendations.

We will conduct a house cleansing if we feel it is warranted and we may provide other solutions depending on our findings. We will NEVER just leave you with your problem, we will always provide a solution for you! We also stay in touch with everyone to see how you are doing and if anything has returned. We have been very blessed by only having to return to a couple cases for a further cleaning, about 99% of our clients have returned to normal after our conclusion and have stayed that way…

Part 8: Aftercare

After we have concluded our investigation and recommendations, if you have any further questions or would like a follow up investigation P.E.R.S. will be happy to provide assistance as our schedule permits. We are ALWAYS here for you we will NOT leave you alone in this, we can be contacted anytime for further help.

Do you think you are being haunted?

Are you scared and would you like to talk to someone from our team to see if you may be in need of an investigation?