Paranormal Existence Research Society (P.E.R.S.) is a professional non-profit paranormal research group. We research and document all types of paranormal phenomena in hopes of assisting clients by identifying the types of activity occurring at their location, helping to ease anxiety associated with those events and to further assist in bringing resolution to the case. We investigate claims of hauntings, demonic possession, ghosts, shadow figures, haunted objects, ufo’s, and just about all unexplained phenomena. We also love to educate the public about ghosts, hauntings, paranormal investigation techniques and equipment.
We are a professional, compassionate, trusted, honest and experienced team. We help assist clients by identifying the types of activity occurring at their location, if any, and help to ease anxiety associated with those events and to further assist in bringing resolution to the case. We work both intuitively and scientifically, as we feel it gives us a better all-around approach to our work.